When you become a resident of our sober house, residents are strongly encouraged to participate daily in the Morning Routine. This 2-hour, 7-day per week, proven approach to self-discipline is an essential part of your recovery and long-term sobriety. It will become your foundation for the day with the core belief that when you win your morning you will win your day…every day.

The Morning Routine consists of 5 core disciplines that help you replace bad habits with good habits. It begins with starting your day right. Get up at the same time every day. When the alarm goes off, there is no snooze button. Make your bed and begin your day:

Meditation – Spend 20 minutes within yourself meditating or practicing mindfulness. This sets your mind’s lens to focus on what is important. It will train attention and awareness and help you develop and maintain mental clarity and an emotionally calm, stable state.

Visualization - Create the mental picture of where you want to take today, not where today will take you. Learning and practicing this discipline will help you communicate both abstract and concrete ideas and allow you to bring your mental goals to life.

Journaling - Write. Thoughts, feelings, fears… journal them for 20 minutes. Journaling evokes mindfulness and often creates a personal catharsis and helps train your brain to regulate emotions

Reading – Your body needs exercise and so does your mind. Exercising the brain will improve concentration and sleep. It develops a better and more diverse foundation of knowledge while reducing stress and increasing motivation. Reading also improves your sense of empathy.

Exercise – A strong mind and a strong body is the ultimate goal. Exercise, at every skill level, has innumerable benefits including weight control/loss, a better ability to combat health problems and diseases, mood enhancement and stabilization, improved energy and better, more restful sleep.